Interactions Instagram gets twice as many employee contact list interactions per 1,000 Facebook Fans. 4. Video, among the preferred formats Video is the second format with the highest engagement per 1,000 fans, after photography, which gets 73% of engagement per thousand fans. Video is very useful employee contact list for categories such as Electronics, Entertainment and Retail where many benefits need employee contact list to be communicated in a short time, with a visual format. For its part, the carousel has a 4 times higher efficiency of average interactions
than other formats. 5. Fashion, at number employee contact list 1 In 2019, 'Fashion' was the category with the highest engagement (23.4%) and growth (+52%) vs. the previous year. Last year, fashion generated up to 2x more average interactions per post than all other categories. Instagram, as employee contact list expected, was the platform where users in the category interacted the most, with 1,400 employee contact list interactions per 1,000 Fans. The Telegram messaging app will start monetizing the app now that it is approaching 500 million active users. "A project of our
size needs at least a few hundred million dollars a employee contact list year to continue," said Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, in a post on his account explaining his decision. Most of the company's expenses so far have been paid for with Durov's personal savings, as he has explained. However, the growth employee contact list that the app is currently experiencing requires “adequate funding” . At this point, the employee contact list company could decide to sell the company, an option that they rule out. “ We are not going to sell the company like the founders of