ODEM is looking to solve this problem by using blockchain technology Phone Number List to eliminate intermediary costs and connect teachers directly with students. This global marketplace will provide students with customized course options Phone Number List , transportation, courses and more. The goal is to make quality education more Phone Number List accessible and affordable for students around the world.
4) Tra Dove Tra Dove is unique because it is the first Phone Number List blockchain-based startup focused on B2B-specific solutions and tokens. They Phone Number List want to make B2B more transparent b allowing shared references and endorsements of people, products and companies. Think LinkedIn just for businesses - everything is on the Phone Number List blockchain.
Using smart contracts, TraDove is seeking to influence Phone Number List international trade, especially in developing countries, by replacing currently cumbersome and expensive payment methods such as letters of credit. This is also performed using Phone Number List big data and artificial intelligence. 5) Orus In October 2017, more than $25 billion of gold was traded daily using traditional trading methods . Aurus is changing that by using blockchain technology Phone Number List to create asset-backed tokens and markets that cater to gold.