So you can receive the top business and marketing topics and trends every Friday in your email (all with our expert point of view on Telephone Number List what can affect your strategies). Google Web Stories is a tool that offers brands a way to engage their audiences in an immersive, personalized and interactive way with the proven success of the stories format. When Telephone Number List Web Stories was introduced in 2018, people also referred to them as AMP Stories as it uses AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages, a platform for optimizing mobile web browsing) as its Telephone Number List technology foundation.
But we also saw how AMP faded due to some decisions by Google. It was no longer necessary to have AMP to get better website Telephone Number List performance and better rankings in search results. That being the case, many website creators and publishers thought that this decision was a way for Google to further monopolize the Internet. Now, Google is Telephone Number List trying to get more people to use Web Stories and this draws some comparisons to AMP, which got a similar boost in its early years. As Web Stories are a trendy content format (similar to Instagram and TikTok stories), Google stands to benefit from more people using it as it Telephone Number List can attract younger audiences.
The question is, "Is Google Web Stories replacing AMP?" Maybe. However, there is a difference between Web Stories and AMP. While the Telephone Number List former is actually an HTML page (the standard language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser), AMP pages connect to an equivalent web page. Thus, despite being built using the AMP Telephone Number List framework, Web Stories are different. But how? Let's go buy The goal of AMP Stories, introduced in 2018, is described as "visual storytelling for the open web" an Telephone Number List immersive and performative experience for readers. Plus, it's free and available to everyone,