I have not posted in a long time. As I can see some of the posts got viewed. Which is pretty cool, though it seems the forum is only being used by telemarketers or something. So here is what I am gonna do.
1. I am going to possibly remove the forum. it was meant for video game talk but I clearly it makes no sense for this site. This site is a video game blog. If those posting on it wish it to stay maybe prove it isn't bot traffic and bring it inline with video gaming.
2. also going to update the site again. Maybe less frequent than before, once a month or bi weekly.
3. going to eliminate some of the posts that received no attention.
4.create more focused articles on the site, and create a corner of it dedicated to random ideas.
I am going to be doing this along side the Bitchute account. Both will probably be on the same timeline. the YouTube account I have is dead. well it was never alive but posting there was a hassle anyway.