So it seems that some other games websites had some interviews with Microsoft spokesmen. A couple have said that the Xbox gold subscriptions that have been apart of the Xbox live since the beginning, are going to be discontinued. While others say that the 12 month is the only option going away.
Links to two right here
However in my opinion this seems, strange. I am not ignorant of the fact that Xbox is possible the only system that requires subscriptions to use the internet service. Computers, PlayStation, Nintendo, they do not make you pay for the internet services. Microsoft did make you pay. However at the same time, in most cases where I have seen something switch from paid service to "free" it also can experience a drop in quality. Xbox Live has never been the best, but it is a service many have paid for in the past. So I am a bit worried that if they did do away with it, this is either:
A. so they can use shorter subscriptions that cost slightly more(or just a even more greedy practice) Which would be better for their bottom line. I.E. people spend less more often adding up to more over time).
B. They plan to have a Severe drop in quality from cutting corners.
C. they are going to role a lot more into the game subscription service an it may be nice.
In short my opinion is that this move is suspicious. It's like if EA announced it would no longer use the loot box /live services model for revenue. Everyone would wonder what they are up to and how they plan to fill the void left in its wake.